Die Deutsche Welle vergibt demnächst einen Blogpreis. Das German American Law Journal erlaubt sich darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Heimat des Senders schon lange nicht mehr zu den strahlenden Vorbildern für Meinungsfreiheit – gerade im Internet – gehört:

Free speech in its home country has suffered lately, however, particularly in the internet space. An anti-anonimity and anti-privacy requirement called Impressumspflicht and the recent decision from Stuttgart that prohibits a satirical website are two examples out of a range of censorship measures that cover a substantial amount of internet activities.

Clearly, Deutsche Welle is to be commended for lauding Bosnian, Iraqi or Iranian bloggers as courageous champions of freedoms. Hopefully, DW has the courage to look in the mirror and report on the censorship in its own reporting environment.